To make a purchase or donation at this time, please send me email;
email link is the envelope icon at the bottom of the page.
If you're here about the Guitar Transcriptions, these are starting to
receive my attention again, and I'd be glad to respond to enquiries.
You can expedite the completion of volumes of the Ballads which are still works in progress. Donations toward any volume which is not yet available will entitle you to a credit against the price of that volume, and/or any other volume which is still in preparation. (The credit can also be used to cover shipping songbooks.) This is a sort of system of commissions, except that your contribution credit can be redeemed more flexibly. It gives you the most freedom while still satisfying the purpose of the contributions.
Note that your total purchases and donations determine how much of the complete scores you can see using the score browser service. The following table summarises the browsing powers that your total purchases and/or donations will earn.
Pounds Sterling | Percent Browsable |
£15 | 25% |
£30 | 50% |
£60 | 75% |
£120 | 100% |
If a targeted donation is made towards a specific volume still in preparation, browsing credits will be concentrated on this volume of interest. A targeted donation of £15 or more towards any given volume entitles you to browse 100% of the completed songs in that volume, and a targeted donation of £30 or more entitles you to browse even the songs in the volume which are still works in progress. (That privilege is only granted in that case; in all other cases, browsing is confined to songs which are finished.) Targeted donations still entitle you to browse the other volumes to the extents summarised in the table above, so targeting your contribution earns you some extra browsing power for the same investment.
It is worth emphasising that all contributions are fully redeemable towards purchases of the songbooks, either immediately or at some future time (when more volumes will be available). You need not purchase the volume you target your contribution toward.
Later: It seems I've nearly managed to finish at least one version of song for each poem that mattered to me personally. There are a few of my favourites that I've saved to work on while travelling this year. You can still target a donation with a request for another version, or for a song to a poem not yet treated... Targeted donations toward songs or volumes already finished will also lead to fairer copies being made. I won't be printing songbooks until I have polished drafts of all the songs they contain. (That does not apply to custom songbooks printed on-demand, where you will get the best available drafts of each song; but these, being bespoke, on-demand jobs, are twice the cost of the standard songbooks.) And not least, remember donations open up territory in the score-browser...
If you would like to make a generic donation to the project, you can click the Donate button below. If you wish to target your donation towards the completion of a specific song or volume, visit the main index of the ballads, and click the corresponding heart icon. In either case, your credit can be applied towards the cost of any of the songbooks, i.e. you are not required to apply your targeted donation credit towards the cost of that particular volume. However, by targeting your donation, you prioritise work on the song/volume targeted, so that it will become available, musically detailed and with a pristine score sooner than otherwise.
I am genuinely committed to prioritising my work according to the relative donation levels toward the various projected volumes. The relative contributions for the whole series can be seen on the main index page. That's not yet true, but I will find a way to show the donation status once I set up payment processing and receive at least one payment... The volume receiving the largest total ‘donations’ (i.e. credits towards purchase!) will always be the next to become available.